So You Don't Get Lost in the Neighborhood #14
29.10.2017, 14:00
Startpunt: Barentsweg, Ritthem
This excursion was initiated by Vleeshal, Middelburg.
website Vleeshal
The idea behind the SYDGLN excursions is for a visual artist to show people around in their favorite part of Zeeland.

I choose the beach near Ritthem and its indexical logic that brings all sorts of objects and processes together. Often I find things there I can not place. For me this is a refreshing moment and an ideal starting point for making. A moment I liked to share with others.

The idea for the excursion was simple: place yellow flags by everything you come across and which gets your attention. After placing the flags we picked them up again as a group and in this way we showed each other the beach.

The two central terms for this excursion were: indexical logic and haptic exploration.
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